I Will Be One With All That Is…No Matter What Life May Bring

As I write this, all I can think how challenging this month’s mantra is to believe and to live. Being one with all that may be is a transcendent ideal, but for most of us it is simply that, an ideal. To feel in control of one’s life, even if such an idea is illusory at best, is one we have all wished for at some point. It’s the unexpectedness of what any life brings that makes us clamoring for any sense of control. I want to believe I handle all of the challenges I’ve faced with some equanimity, and hopefully, grace. I’m sure most of you can guess I am very human, as in I can lost my sh*t, when something unwanted and unexpected occurs. Perhaps the best teacher to be que sera sera is in having and raising children. 

Although I would never tell my son this since he is very much on his path toward maturity (note the word ‘on his path’), if I were candid with him, it would be to tell him how much he’s been my teacher. True, his taking the seat of the teacher was unintended, yet I know it’s those moments when he has gotten himself into some scrape that I am forced to breathe, to accept what I can’t undo or change, and to roll with it all without losing my mind. All of it has been humbling and a real mirror into my own psychological strength and weakness. 

I have had the good fortune to have close friends, who teach me what it is to face a challenge with grace and humor. Other than my son, my friends have also been my greatest teachers about what it truly means to be one with…even if it is your own mortality. Again, I can only hope I would face any such challenge with humor and grace and not my usual reality of getting overly anxious and generally losing it all. 

However, or whoever, is an example for you in learning to accept whatever it is, know that we are all too human. And like all of us, we are trying our very best.


True Love Begins With Self-Love