Anything Worthwhile Requires Patience

While I have little patience to none in certain areas of my life. I am embarrassed to confess that I am one of “those” people who mutter under their breaths when standing in a long line. Although my less than gracious behavior in my daily life would signal having no patience in all things that take time. Strangely, as if I have a split personality, I have buckets of patience doing things that would make a normal person want to tear their hair out.

I suppose I could start with my chosen profession as a writing, and not just a writer, but a writer of novels. The time for me to write a first draft usually takes up to a year, a year and a half, two if the work is going at a pace on par with a snail moving on a rock. While I can get hopping mad standing in a line, I can sit for long stretches of time without anger. There are days when I’m frustrated, but it’s not intense enough to make me want to quit. Once I get going on a book and the characters come to life, my curiosity to see how their stories will end keeps me going. As tedious as it is, I am always glad I had the patience to see it to the end.

What I’ve learned is that my brain is wired in a fashion where I have the patience to do things like needlepointing and jigsaw puzzles for hours on end. Given my enjoyment of hobbies where sitting is required, I probably should have lived in the English country side like a character in a Jane Austen novel. So, while I could use a great deal of work to become more patient in my everyday life, I’ve found anything worthwhile requires time and patience.


Uncertain Times Can Bring Up Fears, but Remember There Will Be a Tomorrow


Sometimes an Ending Is a Way To Create Space for the New